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Course Syllabus

Course: TECS 1030

Division: Business and Applied Tech
Department: Services Technology
Title: Cosmetology/Hair Design Chemical Services Basics

Semester Approved: Summer 2024
Five-Year Review Semester: Spring 2029
End Semester: Spring 2030

Catalog Description: The Cosmetology/Hair Design Chemical Services Basics course covers the basics of chemical services such as chemical relaxer theory and techniques, color theory and techniques, and perming theory and techniques. Students receive instructions, perform demonstrations, and perform practical applications for each of these basic cosmetology and hair design-related chemical services. Theory for each subject is covered and students are required to demonstrate competency through practical application, assignments, and testing.

Semesters Offered:
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 3; Lecture: 1.5; Lab: 1.5
Clock/Hour Requirements: 90

Justification: This is a course required by the State Cosmetology Board to prepare students for further in-depth study in cosmetology/barbering theory and practices. It is also required before students are authorized to work in a laboratory setting or with patrons.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will perform the principles and practices related to cosmetology/barbering skills; i.e., general hair care, styling, haircutting, straight razor shaving, hair extensions, chemical texture services, hair coloring, skin and nail care services, and other skills essential to becoming a successful cosmetologist/barber.  Students will be assessed using skill pass-off sheets for safety and sanitation and practical applications, written assignments, client services feedback, exams, and/or attendance.

Students will maintain a clean work environment and follow the proper procedures for safety and infection control. Students will recognize potential safety hazards and implement accepted methods to mitigate those hazards. Students will be assessed using skill pass-off sheets for safety and sanitation and practical applications, written assignments, client services feedback, exams, and/or attendance.

Students will be able to evaluate and communicate client needs, determine the action needed, maintain client records, and use professional ethics relevant to the salon business. Students will be assessed as they perform a client consultation at the beginning of each service. Students will be assessed using skill pass-off sheets for safety and sanitation and practical applications, written assignments, client services feedback, exams, and/or attendance.

Students will learn and apply the basics of chemical services such as chemical relaxer theory and techniques, color theory and techniques, and perming theory and techniques. Students will be assessed using skill pass-off sheets for safety and sanitation and practical applications, written assignments, client services feedback, exams, and/or attendance.

This course aims to do the following:- Define the law of color, complementary colors, the color wheel, color levels, color tones, and neutralizing tones.- Demonstrate proper mixing and application of different hair coloring and hair lightening services.- Demonstrate chemical relaxer techniques.- Demonstrate the different methods of permanent waving and wrapping.- Explain the proper procedures in the application of chemicals associated with permanent waving and chemical relaxers.- Demonstrate and learn practical applications while working on course-related content.- Demonstrate and explain other theories, practical applications, and procedures associated with chemical services.Snow College welcomes and supports all students, employees, and guests. This is essential to a vibrant learning community and integral to our institutional mission. We are determined to foster an environment of openness and respect for the many individual strengths that enrich the Snow College experience.

Key Performance Indicators:
Student learning outcomes will be assessed by a combination of the following:

Pass-off sheets 5 to 20%

Written assignments 5 to 20%

Practical application/client services 30 to 60%

Exams 20 to 40%

Attendance 5 to 20%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology Revised, current edition with CIMA, Milady Publishing Company, Albany, New York.

Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology Revised, current edition, Milady Publishing Company, Albany, New York.

Pedagogy Statement:
Teaching methods may include group work, practical application, hands-on experiences, and the incorporation of low-stakes assignments.

In this course, instructors will strive to connect with students on a personal level by spending multiple hours daily with this group of students. Students will also be encouraged to make connections in order to foster an inclusive classroom/lab atmosphere. This may be accomplished through group assignments, experience gained at the front desk, practical experience with clients as they perform client services, and all the procedures involved in the beauty industry.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 32
Optimum Class Size: 32